ENDOMETRIOSIS 101 // explanation, diagnosis & treatment
I am so thankful for my girl, Meg Connolly, for joining me to share more about endometriosis! This is something she has struggled with since she was a young girl and after 10 years of suffering, finally was able to find relief. You guys asked some awesome questions & Meg is here to answer them all! Below you can find all the questions discussed and where in the video they are so you can jump around if you wish! Also below are resources where you can seek community, treatment centers & connect with Meg! Hope this helps you become more informed about endometriosis and find relief to any suffering you may be experiencing! Remember, we are not medical professionals ... we are simply sharing Meg's experiences and our thoughts on this subject! Xx QUESTIONS: 1:17 // What is endometriosis? 1:34 // How did you come to know you had endometriosis? 2:39 // How would someone know they have endometriosis? 4:52 // What tests are done to determine you have endometriosis? How does a doctor diagnosis this? 6:15 // How can I avoid needing birth control and not feel like I’m dying? 8:23 // Catholic view on using birth control for endometriosis pain? 10:20 // What are the different types of surgery for endometriosis? What was helpful for you? 12:30 // Do you have any favorite supplements that have helped? 12:58 // Has an anti-inflammatory diet after surgery been helpful? 14:13 // What other effects does endometriosis have on your health? 15:07 // How did charting and Natural Family Planning help you? 16:54 // What tips do you have for someone with endometriosis? 17:26 // What resources are there for those with endometriosis? 18:10 // What are the Gianna Centers? RESOURCES: @theendo.co @megconnolly https://theendo.co/ https://www.nationalgiannacenter.org/ LET'S CONNECT // IG - / melissagracetablada Web - https://www.melissagracetablada.com/ Work - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/th...