Faith Baptist Palmer Sunday AM  Live Stream 7/16/23

Faith Baptist Palmer Sunday AM Live Stream 7/16/23

Message Title: A Time To Wait Genesis 8:1-22 Pastor Matt McNeil Special Music: Debbie Boudoin on piano Our Morning Worship service starts at 10:45 AM EDT If you are in the area of Palmer Ma, take this as an invitation to attend. WONDER WHAT MUST YOU DO TO EARN ETERNAL LIFE? What must I do to go to Heaven? According to the Word of God, "There is none righteous, no, not one." Romans 3:10 The first step to realize your need of salvation, is to ask, "What are you being saved from?" It's to be saved from sin. Our first ancesters, Adam & Eve sinned by disobeying the Creator LORD God in taking from the tree they were commanded not to do. Hence, since that time, the sin curse has been upon mankind. In Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Religion, trying to please God man's way, won't help. Being born into a Christian family, helping your neighbor, is good, BUT falls short of the righteousness of God. WHAT CAN WE OFFER TO GOD AS PAYMENT FOR OUR SINS? Best we can do is "filthy rags" mentioned in Isaiah 64:6. The best mankind can offer, good works of righteousness, are as filthy rags in the face of God. WHERE IS HOPE THEN? The Word of God (Scripture) is the authority in this area, showing us the way, the truth, & the life is found in Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Romans 6:23 speaks on the contrast to our sin "BUT, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." The love of God is not in accepting our sin, "BUT God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 WHO DO WE HOPE IN? The sinless spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. His blood cleanseth us from all sin. His sacrifice is enough. He said, "It is finished" on that cross, so the work is done. We know from Scriptures that He arose from the grave, conquering sin, death, & hell. WHAT DO I DO NEXT? Repent. John the Baptist ushered in Jesus with the Kingdom of Heaven drawing nigh. Repentance is a change of heart. Turn from your sin unto the Savior. This may sound like works save, YET THE WORKS OF GOD THROUGH CHRIST ONLY SAVE. We are offenders of God's law, & whoso offends in just one part offends in all. Repent by praying to God. Don't worry. He hears the humble, contrite heart ready to receive the Savior. There's no magic words. This is just a guide of prayer to help. LORD God, Saviour of mankind, please forgive me of my sins. I'm sorry I have offended you in the way I'm living. I truly want to change for your honor & glory. It's only through the precious blood of Jesus that my sins are forgiven. Thank you, Jesus, for suffering in this world for my behalf. Come into my heart & direct me in the way I ought to live. In Jesus' Holy name, Amen. If you sincerely mentioned this prayer, then congratulations. You are now a child of God, believer in Jesus Christ. This doesn't mean you will live without anymore sin. It means you've called upon the name of the Lord, & are now saved. Romans 10:13 There are now 2 natures in you, the old man, which as long as you are breathing, you'll have until death as a believer. There is also the new man Scripture points out in 2 Corinthians 5:17 You are now a new creature in heart. Thank God He gave mankind hope beyond the grave! Question is, will you accept that gift, or not?