Send Forth Thy Power | Baptist Music Virtual Ministry | Batch 10

Send Forth Thy Power | Baptist Music Virtual Ministry | Batch 10

"SEND FORTH THY POWER" Words and Music by Joe Zichterman Arranged by Amy beaver Herbster and Joe zichterman "Lord, the world is calling, and the flesh would bid us go. But we must stand faithful if Thy blessing we would know. How we long to see revival that Thy church would stand apart, Free from sin and fit for service, ever after Thine own heart Send Forth Thy Power Lord" SEND FORTH THY POWER (MINUS ONE and SATB DEMO)    • Send Forth Thy Power (SATB)   SEND FORTH THY POWER (Voice) Parts    • Send Forth Thy Power (SATB)   Sing with us virtually! [email protected] Join us in BMVM and sing with us virtually! Fill up this form, BMVM Registration and Screening Form: #SendForthThyPower #Baptist #AviewforMissions