DATING My BEST FRIENDS For VALENTINE’S DAY! ❤️ It’s almost Valentine’s Day and Ryder is having a hard time getting a date! He doesn’t want to make any of his best girlfriends jealous or sad by asking just one to be his Valentine. Faye from the Rock Squad makes a plan to film an epic YouTube video at Kalahari Waterpark and have Ryder go on 4 dates! Which one will he choose? You won’t believe the crazy surprises in this video! From water slides to fancy dinners, which date was the best? You and Faye will decide who should be Ryder’s true love! Will is be Gia and Ryder ( Ria), Nayeli ( Ryeli), Ralli or Ranis? Watch until the end for a special vlog at iFly in Los Angeles and see what the Rock squad does behind the scenes when they aren’t filming! #love #youtube #valentine WATCH NEXT THE BREAK UP💔**The Movie**    • THE BREAK UP💔**The Movie**   REVEALING Her SECRET CRUSH!**And Someone Gets Jealous**    • HER SECRET CRUSH REVEALED!   We Started a NEW SECRET SQUAD and the TEENS Got JEALOUS!**plus New Home in Utah!**    • We Started a NEW SECRET SQUAD and the...   MORE AWESOME VIDEOS Jordan Matter: I Built a Secret Room in a Trampoline Park:    • I Built a SECRET ROOM in a TRAMPOLINE...   Nastya: Guesses the boyfriend blondfolded :    • Guesses the Best BOYFRIEND Blindfolde...   Not Enough Nelsons: My 10 kids try 100 years of school lunches:    • My 10 KiDS Try 100 YEARS OF SCHOOL LU...   Anazala Family: My Daughter Hires her own Babysitter:    • MY DAUGHTER HIRES HER OWN BABYSITTER!...   Royalty Family: i Built a 7-11 in my room and hid it from my mom:    • I Built a 7-11 in my Room and Hid it ...   Rebecca Zamolo: Eating 100 Years of school lunches with daughter;    • Eating 100 Years of School Lunches wi...   SUBSCRIBE: ‪@THEROCKSQUAD‬ ‪@ROCKSQUADVLOGS‬ ‪@ROCKSQUADGAMING‬ ‪@ROCKSQUADMOM‬ ‪@BrookeButler‬ ‪@rushhollandbutler‬ ‪@nayelilovera‬ ‪@Fayeknightly‬ ‪@giaflip10‬ ‪@anissienna‬ ‪@alliingram‬ ‪@ryder_tully‬ Contact us: [email protected]