Indie Christmas 2024 🎄 - A Festive Folk/Pop/Acoustic Playlist

Indie Christmas 2024 🎄 - A Festive Folk/Pop/Acoustic Playlist

Discover new music for your holiday season with the best festive indie songs! Tracklist & more below... 👇 🎵 LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: 🎶 APPLE MUSIC, DEEZER, AMAZON & MORE: 🔔 Subscribe to never miss the finest new independent music! 📩 SUBMIT YOUR MUSIC: or https://alexrainbirdmusic.portal.dist... 💿 Tracklist: 0:00 Roland Lewis - Silent Night   / iamrolandlewis   3:56 Reed Pittman - ‘Coming Home For Christmas’   / reedpittman   7:03 aeseaes - ‘Feliz Navidad’   / aeseaes   9:33 WILD - ‘OMW 2U’   / wildtheband   11:41 CHPTRS - ‘Christmas In The Air’   / wearechptrs   14:28 BASHAM - ‘Joy To The World’   / bashammusic   18:06 Beta Radio - ‘Wonderful Christmas Time’   / betaradio   20:32 The Lubben Brothers - ‘Until Christmas Morning’   / thelubbenbrothers   24:12 aeseaes - ‘Let It Snow’ 27:20 Bien - ‘Happy Happy Holiday'   / wearebien   29:34 Casey Dubie - ‘Last Christmas (Acoustic)’   / caseydubie   33:45 Jordan Hart - ‘Gently On The City’   / jordanhartsound   37:46 Ivan & Alyosha - ‘Being Home For Christmas’   / ivanandalyosha   41:17 The River Indigo - ‘Walking in the Air’   / theriverindigo   44:23 Kylee Phillips - ‘There’s A Light’   / kyleephillipsmusic   49:12 Josie Beth - ‘Closer To You’   / josiebethmusic   51:23 Jordan Hart - ‘White Christmas’ 54:43 Betsy Phillips & Robby Hecht - ‘Auld Lang Syne’   / betsy__phillips     / robbyhecht   57:04 Open Road Folk Music - ‘Jingle Bells’   / openroadfolk   1:01:35 Tolan Shaw - ‘Never Needed Christmas’   / tolanshaw   1:04:45 Matt Hartke - ‘Not Everybody Calls It Christmas (Acoustic)’   / matthartkemusic   1:07:44 Lauren Juzang - ‘It's The Holidays!’   / laurenjuzang   1:10:37 John Mark Nelson & Tancred & Jenny Owen Youngs - ‘Fireside’   / johnmarknelson     / jessdanielabbott     / jennyowenyoungs   1:13:37 Will Knox - ‘Christmas Song (feat. neomi)’   / willknoxmusic   1:16:33 ivywild & friendlierbear. - ‘Christmas With You’   / friendlierbear     / ivyw_ild   1:18:49 Jordan Moyes - ‘Silent Night’   / jordanmoyesmusic   1:22:44 DoomFolk StarterKit - ‘sugar cookies and white christmas with the cousins’   / doomfolkstarterkit   1:25:55 Van Buren - ‘The Magic of Christmastime’   / thisisvanburen   1:28:47 ØZWALD - ‘Mele Kalikimaka’   / ozwaldmusic   1:31:50 Mia Montero - ‘Blue Christmas’   / miamonteromusic   1:35:28 Andrea von Kampen - ‘Peace on Earth (this Christmas)’   / andreavonkampen   1:39:19 Tabitha Meeks - ‘Good Good Christmas’   / piano_tabs   1:42:16 Natalie Holmes - ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’   / _natalieholmes   1:45:51 Beta Radio - ‘Christmas Time Is Here’   / betaradio   1:49:08 Zaac Pick - ‘Finding Christmas’   / zaacpick   1:53:04 Tolan Shaw - ‘Evergreen’ 1:56:26 ViVii - ‘Last Christmas’   / vivii.official   2:00:03 Tolan Shaw - ‘White Christmas’ 2:02:56 Embleton - ‘Don't Get Me Nothin’ For Christmas’   / kevinembleton   2:05:17 Josh Gauton - ‘Silent Night’   / joshgauton   2:07:33 Ruelle - ‘The Christmas Waltz’   / ruellemusic   2:10:10 Robby Hecht - ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’   / robbyhecht   2:12:40 aeseaes - ‘Auld Lang Syne’ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 🌧️ 🐦 Find alexrainbirdMusic everywhere: 🎧 Stream Spotify: 👥 Connect Instagram:   / alexrainbirdmusic   TikTok:   / alexrainbirdmusic   ❤️ Support Store: ✒️ Logo design/animation: Jared Kohn @mountain_lines ----------------------------------------------------------------- ❓ About alexrainbirdMusic: Since 2011, Alex and Beth Rainbird have been finding and sharing the finest independent music! Our goal is to provide the best platform for underrated artists to be heard, and for viewers to find amazing new music. We feature over 100 incredible new songs every month - subscribe to be the first to hear them! #Christmas #ChristmasPlaylist #ChristmasMusic