〖4K〗EXO Members & President Moon's University : Kyunghee University Campus Tour 경희대 서울캠퍼스 걷기
#seoul, #university, #walk ■ Virtual Tour Korea walked - This Walk : 2 9km / 1 8mi / 58 minutes - Total : 229 6km / 142 6mi / 4,475 minutes ■ Subscribe to my channel 구독 바로 가기 - Hi to all the virtual travelers of the world This is VK from Virtual Tour Korea I am uploading this video of walking Kyunghee University Seoul campus Founded in 1949, Kyunghee University is widely regarded as one of the best universities in Seoul and renowned for its pretty campus on big land of north Seoul This video shows the fabulous campus of the university, famous buildings on the campus, such as University Administration Building and Grand Peace Hall, and students in times of wrapping up this spring semester of the year I hope you enjoy and please subscribe, like, comment and share I also hope you guys all stay safe/healthy and we can meet offline in Korea soon when this pandemic is over and we can travel freely again (If any questions about videos on this channel, locations, sites, routes or general information about tourism and travel to Korea, let me know by leaving comments or email at virtualtournetwork@gmail com) 안녕하세요 Virtual Tour Korea 채널의 VK입니다 화창한 날씨의 초여름날 경희대학교 서울캠퍼스를 걸어 보았습니다 서울 소재의 대학교중 가장 아름다운 캠퍼스 중의 하나로 꼽히는 경희대 교정, 각종 SNS에 자주 등장하는 멋진 본관과 평화의 전당 건물, 코로나 팬데믹 가운데에서도 차분히 학기말을 준비하는 경희대 학생 등의 모습을 이 비디오에서 보실 수 있습니다 부족하지만 영상 즐겨주시고, 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 좋아요, 알림 설정 부탁드립니다 감사합니다 0:00 Introduction 인트로 1:46 Main gate 정문에서 시작 2:45 Kyunghee Cyber University 경희사이버대학교 3:25 Kyunghee Motto Tower 교시탑 9:35 Amphitheater 노천극장 12:40 Kyunghee Boy's Middle & High School 경희중고등학교 13:10 Student Center 학생회관 14:10 College of Music 크라운관/음악대학 16:45 Kyunghee Diamond Garden 경희 다이아몬드 가든 18:00 Amphitheater 노천극장 19:20 College of Humanities/College of Science 문과대학/이과대학 22:00 College of Business Administration 경영대학 22:45 College of Political Science & Economics 정경대학 23:45 Lion Statue 사자상 25:10 Tile Mural : History of Kyunghee University 타일벽화 : 경희대의 역사 27:45 Law School Main Building 로스쿨 본관 28:50 Back Gate 후문 30:20 Grand Peace Hall 평화의 전당 37:35 Central Library / Central Museum 중앙도서관 / 중앙박물관 41:20 University Administration Building 본관 47:55 Institute of International Education 51:00 Sundong Lake 선동호 54:40 College of Hotel & Tourism Manangement 호텔관광대학 56:35 Cheongwoon Building 청운관 58:45 Library Lounge 라이브러리 라운지 58:40 Kyunghee Medical Center 경희의료원 ■ Notable Alumni of Kyunghee University Byun Baek-hyun (EXO) Do Kyung-soo (EXO) Chen (singer) (EXO) Park Chanyeol (EXO) Suho (EXO) Moon Jae-in (19th President of South Korea) Kim Dae-jung (15th President of South Korea) Kim Jung-sook (First Lady, wife of Moon Jae-in) Changmin (TVXQ) Daesung (Big Bang) G-Dragon (Big Bang) If there's any area, tourist attraction, or university in Korea that you'd like me to take video of, please let me know Also, anyone with interest in collaborating or connecting your city/area/channel under Virtual Tour Network can contact me at virtualtournetwork@gmail com ■ Location in Google map 이 장소의 위치 보기 - ■ Visit my channel 채널 바로 가기 - ■ Other videos on my channel for your consideration 이 채널의 다른 비디오 보기 - Yonsei University at the Peak of Fall - [Snowstorm Hits Seoul] Hongdae at Night - [College Campus Tour] Ewha Womans University - Seoul National University (Part 1) - Seoul National University (Part 2) - Ewha Womans University in Heavy snow - Hanyang University - Konkuk University Copyright Virtual Tour Korea Any reproduction or unauthorized distribution of the content is prohibited seouluniversity, koreauniversity, universityinseoul, universityinseoul, collegeinseoul, collegeinkorea, seoulcollege, koreacollege, kyungheecampus, kyunghee, kyungheeuniversity, kyungheeranking, kyungheeuniversityglobalcampus, globalcampus, admission 경희대, 경희대서울캠퍼스, 경희대글로벌캠퍼스, 경희대캠퍼스맵, 경희대인포21, 경희대ecampus, 경희대도서관