The Best Workout Split for Natural Aesthetics (Complete Guide)
This is the new, fun, and different workout split that I've been using to obtain a balanced, aesthetic physique. I filmed 7 straight days in the gym to capture every single set and rep I did for the entire training split. I hope y'all gain some valuable insight from the video and hope you found it entertaining! Head over to CaseyKellyFit.com for more programs! - PLEASE make sure to like, comment, subscribe, & watch the entire video! It helps me out a lot! - YoungLA.com | code "CASEY" Rysesupps.com | code "CASEY" Helimix.com | code "CASEY" - FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ELSE! TikTok: @caseykellyy Instagram: @caseykellyfit Snapchat: @caseyk2 FaceBook: @caseykellyfit