第四章 《时间简史》史蒂芬·霍金(完整版) 霍金 Hawking 有声听书 A Brief History of Time
全书共十二章,讲述了关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识,包括:我们的宇宙图像、空间和时间、膨胀的宇宙、不确定性原理、黑洞、宇宙的起源和命运等内容,深入浅出地介绍了遥远星系、黑洞、粒子、反物质等知识,并对宇宙的起源、空间和时间以及相对论等古老命题进行了阐述。 [1] 在该书里,霍金探究了已有宇宙理论中存在的未解决的冲突,并指出了把量子力学、热动力学和广义相对论统一起来存在的问题,该书的定位是让那些对宇宙学有兴趣的普通读者了解他的理论和其中的数学原理。 [2] 该书自1988年首版以来,已被翻译成40种文字,累计销售量突破2500万册,成为一本畅销全世界的科学著作 The book consists of 12 chapters, which tells the most cutting-edge knowledge about the nature of the universe, including our cosmic image, space and time, the expanding universe, the principle of uncertainty, black holes, the origin and fate of the universe, and introduces the knowledge of distant galaxies, black holes, particles, antimatter and so on in simple terms Ancient propositions such as space and time and relativity are expounded. [1] In this book, Hawking explores the unresolved conflicts existing in the existing universe theories, and points out the problems existing in the unification of quantum mechanics, thermal dynamics and general relativity. The positioning of this book is to let ordinary readers interested in cosmology understand his theory and its mathematical principles. [2] Since its first edition in 1988, the book has been translated into 40 languages and sold more than 25 million copies. It has become a best-selling scientific work all over the world