8 Annoying Things ONLY Sigma Males Can Relate To
8 Annoying Things ONLY Sigma Males Can Relate To. If you're a Sigma, you know how frustrating it can be to constantly deal with people who just don't understand you. You have a unique way of thinking and approaching situations, which frequently confuses others. Sigma males march to the beat of their own drum and tend to keep to themselves. But even though they may seem solitary, they are not the same as being lonely. They embrace their values and beliefs regardless of what others think or expect from them. While being a Sigma has its advantages, there are also some annoying aspects that only Sigma males can relate to. Here are 8 of them. If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and make sure to subscribe! I really do appreciate your support. 🙏 #sigmamale #sigma #wisethinker