37 WEEK Labor and Delivery Vlog |Pre-Eclampsia| 22 yr. old| 3rd baby
So excited to be finally posting our birthing video. I hope this helps any mom going through the same situation I was/am in. I got diagnosed about 35 weeks pregnant with pre-eclampsia. Due to this I was scheduled to give birth at 37 weeks pregnant. I started having contractions 12 hours before I was scheduled for my induction. We decided to go to triage and see how dilated I was. My previous checkup I was 3 cm almost 4 cm dilated at 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant. When I got to triage, I was still only 3 cm and they eventually started Pitocin plus broke my water. She was born at 37 weeks and 1 day. If you want to check out my other Social Media: Tiktok - @cicilarimore Instagram - @momma.cici I will be posting every week Thank you so much for watching and subscribing : ) #pregnancy #youngmom #teenmom #pregnantat18 #pregnantat20 #pregnantat21 #motherhood #parenting #pregnancyjourney #teenpregnancy #youngmother #pregnancystory #teenmomlife #youngmomlife #pregnancyvlog #momlife #motherhoodjourney #youngparents #pregnancyupdate #momtobe #newborn #breastmilk #breastfeedingnewborn #laboranddelivery #labor #37weekspregnant #induction #preeclampsia