Fortnite Upgraded For PS5 Pro - Unreal Engine 5 Hardware RT Makes A Big Difference

Fortnite Upgraded For PS5 Pro - Unreal Engine 5 Hardware RT Makes A Big Difference

Epic's Fortnite has been upgraded for PlayStation 5 Pro, bringing with it substantially increased resolution (which doesn't change much actually) along with vastly improved ray tracing. The software version of Lumen global illumination typically deployed on consoles is replaced with the hardware accelerated version more usually found on PC, bringing with it substantially improved visuals. Alex explains all. Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies and various items based on DF catchphrases? Check out our store: Join the DF Supporter Program for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:38 No PSSR - And That's Fine 00:04:36 Hardware Ray Tracing 00:13:38 120Hz and PC Settings Comparison 00:16:21 Conclusion