Aligning Our Will with His - ABANDON SELFISHNESS

Aligning Our Will with His - ABANDON SELFISHNESS

Briefing Doc: Aligning Our Will with His - Elder Ulisses Soares *THIS IS AN AI (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) REVIEW OF A CONFERENCE TALK. INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR. WATCH OR READ THE TALK: REQUEST A BOOK OF MORMON: WANT TO TALK TO MISSIONARIES : WHAT DOES THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS BELIEVE: Main Theme: This talk emphasizes the importance of aligning our will with God's will, prioritizing His desires over our own to attain eternal life. Key Ideas and Facts: The Kingdom of Heaven as a Priceless Pearl: Elder Soares uses the parable of the merchant and the pearl (Matthew 13:45-46) to illustrate that the Kingdom of Heaven is the most valuable treasure we should seek, requiring us to sacrifice worldly pursuits. "The Savior beautifully taught that the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a priceless pearl, truly the most precious treasure that should be desired over all else." Submission to God's Will: The core message centers on the necessity of submitting our will to God's. This is illustrated through the Savior's perfect example of aligning His will with the Father's. "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." (John 6:38) The Savior's Atonement: The talk highlights the immense sacrifice of the Atonement, demonstrating the Savior's complete submission to the Father's will, even in the face of unimaginable suffering. "Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men." (Doctrine and Covenants 19:19) "What Works for Me" Mentality: Elder Soares cautions against the modern trend of prioritizing self-serving pursuits and personal preferences over God's plan. This mentality, labeled as "authenticity," can hinder our spiritual progress. "One sign that indicates fulfillment of this prophecy is the current growing trend in the world, adopted by so many, of people becoming consumed with themselves and constantly proclaiming, “No matter what, I live my own truth or I do what works for me.”" Choosing God's Way: Despite personal circumstances and challenges, we have the agency to choose to follow God's path. Elder Soares emphasizes the need for introspection and the courage to prioritize God's will over our own. "The ultimate test of our discipleship is found in our willingness to give up and lose our old self and submit our heart and our whole soul to God so that His will becomes ours." Examples of Faithful Discipleship: The talk provides examples of individuals choosing God's way, even when faced with difficult decisions, highlighting the blessings that come from such choices. Consecration and Transformation: True discipleship involves consecrating ourselves to the Lord, completely yielding our will to His, leading to a powerful and transformative spiritual experience. "At that sublime moment, we become consecrated to the Lord, and we totally yield our wills to Him. Such spiritual submissiveness, so to speak, is beautiful, powerful, and transformational." Quotes: "This great wrestle can become very complex, especially considering the prophecies contained in the scriptures for our day: 'This know also, that in the last days … men shall be lovers of their own selves, … lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.'" (2 Timothy 3:1–4). "Elder Quentin L. Cook said that 'being sincerely Christlike is an even more important goal than being authentic.'" "Truly, 'He marked the path and led the way, and ev’ry point [defined].'" ("How Great the Wisdom and the Love," Hymns, no. 195). Overall Message: Elder Soares encourages us to abandon self-centered pursuits and align our will with God's will, leading to spiritual growth, transformation, and the ultimate attainment of eternal life. He reminds us that true discipleship requires courage, introspection, and a willingness to prioritize God's desires above our own.