11:00 AM Worship Service at Central UMC 3/16/2025

11:00 AM Worship Service at Central UMC 3/16/2025

March 16, 2025 Second Sunday of Lent Today's Bulletin: Welcome and Announcements Passing of the Peace: "The Lord be with you. And also with you!" Prelude: "Durch Adam's Fall" arr. Gottfried Homelius Preparing our Hearts for Worship Call to Worship: "Sing to the Lord" arr. Taizé Opening Hymn no. 700 v. 1-4: "Abide With Me" Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer no. 895 A Time for All God's Children Offering Anthem: "Softly and Tenderly" arr. Gilbert M. Martin Doxology no. 95 & Prayer of Thanksgiving Gospel Lesson: Luke 13 : 31-35 Sermon: Lenten Lament Closing Hymn no. 400: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" Sending Forth Choral Benediction: "Amen" arr. Peter Lutkin Postlude: "C Major Postlude" arr. Gordon Young Pastor: Rev. Tom Latimer Associate Pastor: Rev. Savannah Glover Interim Organist: Brenda McCombs Choir Director: Donna Hill Give to Central: https://onrealm.org/concordcentral/-/... Connect With Central UMC: Website: https://concordcentral.org/ Facebook:   / centralumcconcord   Instagram:   / centralumcconcord   11:00am Worship Service at Central UMC 3/16/2025 COPYRIGHTS: MUSIC NOT IN PUBLIC DOMAIN COVERED UNDER ONE LICENSE A-736452. SOFTLY AND TENDERLY: CONTRIBUTORS: GILBERT M. MARTIN: TUNE: © LORENZ PUBLSIHING COMPANY, A DIVISION OF THE LORENZ CORPORATION (ADMIN. BY MUSIC SERVICES)