SHOW DAY / Australian Nationals IFBB 2023 SZN B - Wellness
Hey there fitness babes and bros TODAY IS THE DAY, IT'S SHOW DAY!!! After a crazy prep full of changes and challenges prepping on the road and dancing, we. are. here. I want to thank you all from the BOTTOM of my heart for all of the support you've always given me throughout this prep, you guys make it all worth it and I'm so glad I get to share this journey with you all!! Lets Connect 🤜🏽💗🤛🏽 Coaching DM/Insta: / jordann_walterr Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jordanalexand... JOIN BEFORE NOV 6th - 6 Week Summer Chisel: https://coach.everfit.io/package/TB58... My Links: https://beacons.ai/jordann_walterr #ifbb #ifbbproleague #ifbbproleaguewellness #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymgirl #jordannwalterr #programs #summershred