coding decoding |one video one time series|by Vishu sir SSC railway MTS group d

coding decoding |one video one time series|by Vishu sir SSC railway MTS group d

coding decoding |one video one time series|by Vishu sir SSC railway MTS group d coding decoding 1 class type 1series| all government jobs SSC upp railway MTS by vishu sirकोडिंग डिकोडिंग coding decoding type 1|class 1 basic tric reasoning by Vishu sir कोडिंग डिकोडिंग coding decoding type 1|class 1 basic tric reasoning by Vishu sir कोडिंग डिकोडिंग coding decoding type 1|class 1 basic tric reasoning by Vishu sir Coding Decoding Reasoning Tricks | SSC CGL Reasoning Class | Reasoning By vishu sir Sir | SSC CGL 2022, coding decoding reasoning, coding decoding reasoning short tricks, coding decoding reasoning in hindi, coding decoding reasoning short tricks, coding decoding reasoning by vishal coding decoding reasoning practice questions, rojgar with ankit coding decoding reasoning, rwa coding decoding by vishu sir coding decoding reasoning previous year questions, coding decoding questions, ssc cgl reasoning, ssc cgl reasoning questions, ssc cgl reasoning rojgar with ankit, ssc cgl reasoning previous year questions, ssc cgl reasoning practice set, ssc cpo reasoning questions, ssc cpo reasoning rojgar ssc cpo reasoning mock test, ssc cpo reasoning previous year questions, ssc cpo syllabus 2022, ssc cgl syllabus 2022, ssc cpo exam date, ssc cgl new exam pattern, berojgar se rojgar reasoning practice set, rwa reasoning playlist, rwa reasoning by vishu sir, reasoning by vishu sir Crack the logical reasoning section of Placement Test or Job Interview at any company with shortcuts & tricks on Coding and Decoding. Extremely helpful for the preparation of entrance exams like MBA, Banking IBPS, SBI, UPSC, SSC, Railways etc. #Coding Decoding #Coding Decoding Tricks #Coding Decoding Shortcuts 0:00 Logical Reasoning 3:59 Some Other Tips 9:31 In a certain language, if SUNSHINE is coded as TVOTUJOF then how will MOON be coded? a NPPO b NPPO c PPON d NQOP 12:42 In a certain language, if WRONG is coded as GNORW then how will RIGHT be coded: a HIRGT b SJHIU C GHIRT 16:36 If SNOW is coded as 7100, then WALL will be coded as a 5000 18:46 In a certain language, CAP is coded as 61, how will PEN be coded? 21:19 If MOUSE is coded as PNUFT, then CLOCK will be coded as a MDOLD b MDPLD c NDOLD d MDOLE 27:47 If RADAR is coded as "*?*?4" and DOOR is coded as "?%%4" then DAM will be coded as 35:36 In a certain language, TEARS is coded as 18, so how will be WATER coded a 25 b 22 c 18 38:58 If FIRE is coded as '#*?%', then FREEZE will be coded as a #&%%? 41:41 If THUMB is coded as BMAHT then CRUMB will be coded as a BCARM b BMARC c RCEMB d None of the above 42:45 In a coded message, SLOW MOVE, GET BACKWARDS, FIRE AWAY is written as VFMD ZMWE, BEN PCTLDCOXV, QHOE CDCI. Based on this coding scheme. How is BRICKS written? coding coding decoding reasoning tricks coding for beginners coding decoding coding decoding reasoning tricks in advance coding decoding reasoning coding decoding reasoning tricks in tamil coding kaise sikhe in hindi coding decoding reasoning tricks in english coding decoding by piyush varshney coding course #reasoningpreviousyearquestionpaper #reasoningpracticeset #reasoningbestbook #bestonlinecoachingforssccgl #chsl #ssccgl #sscgd #sscchsl #mostsuccessfulteacher #reasoningpyqs #reasoningforgroupd #reasoningmaster #reasoning #reasoningmocktest #sscreasoninglatestquestions #reasoning_by_vishusir #rankers_gurukul ssccgl2023 #vikramjeet_sir #tcs_pattern #tcs #tcslatestquestion #mukharjeenagar #vishu sir