PREVIEW HypnoCat Unexpected Wetting ABDL Diaper Hypnosis (Age Play, Regression, Incontinence Hypno)
This is a preview of HypnoCat's Unexpected Wetting ABDL Hypnosis, which causes an unexpected wetting accident shortly after listening Download full file on Etsy: https://hypnocatabdl.etsy.com/listing... Visit HypnoCat's ABDL Hypnosis Shop: https://hypnocatabdl.myshopify.com/ WARNING! Do not listen to this file unless you want to experience an unexpected wetting accident. Welcome to HypnoCat! Your source for premium ABDL and incontinence hypnosis; Professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered with binaural beats and sound effects to help maximize results. This file will cause you to have an unexpected wetting accident shortly after listening. It might be a few hours, it might be a few days, but after listening, no matter what, at some point you are going to experience a true unexpected wetting accident. It doesn't matter if you wear diapers or underwear. It doesn't matter if you're at home or our in the world. At some point you will feel the need to pee, and you will let go in your pants and have an accident. File also encourages the listener to come listen again after each accident to encourage even more frequent unexpected wetting accidents.