Plastic bottle or tissue paper role flower vase making with pink crepe paper flowers

Plastic bottle or tissue paper role flower vase making with pink crepe paper flowers

#Plasticbottle or tissue paper role #flower #vase making with pink crape #paper flowers Materials: 1. tissue paper role 2. Crape paper 3. Glue Also, visit our popular videos: Best Out Of Waste SURGICAL MASK:    • Best Out Of Waste SURGICAL MASK/shopp...   Recycled Material Craft:    • Best Out Of Waste SURGICAL MASK | Eas...   DIY Woolen Jhumar:    • DIY Woolen Jhumar/Wool Chandelier/Woo...   Best Out Of Waste LAKME MAKEUP BOX :    • Best Out Of Waste LAKME MAKEUP BOX | ...   Easy Heart shaped wall hanging Idea:    • Best Out Of Waste SURGICAL MASK | Eas...   Plastic Bottle Flower Vase Craft:    • Plastic Bottle Flower Vase Craft - wo...   If you like this video please SUBSCRIBE my channel and also like, comment and share. For further information, you can join my Facebook group   / 540141066673173      / @rabeyabegum   Facebook page:   / creativerabeya