BSN joining process | Documents required | Registration fee |Hostel facility |Complete Guide

BSN joining process | Documents required | Registration fee |Hostel facility |Complete Guide

Asslam alaikum students and viewers..! Hope you all are doing well.! In this video I am going to share with you people a latest news about bs nursing evening 2nd merit lists. The news is that the 2nd list for bs nursing evening shift for male and female candidates has been displayed... To check the website visit nursing official website... Link of nursing official website is... In this video I have told about all necessary details about BSN evening 2nd merit list for males and females...and also the Joining process for evening shift. I hope all your queries will absolutely be solved by complete watching this video.... Don't forget to subscribe 🔔 my YouTube channel.. Link of my YouTube channel is given..    / @dr.informative   #bs nursing evening 2nd list announced #nursing evening closing merit#Evening BSN expected closing merit#bs nursing expected closing merit #nursing salary #bsn scope #scale of nursing #nursing fee structure #Nursing colleges in Pakistan #dr.informative #bsn Closing merit 2024 #Nursing admission 2024-25 #Motivation for study #nursing jobs Apportunities #bs nursing morning 4th list #best nursing channel #best nurse