NEW Super Saiyan 3 Goku VS KING GOMAH FINAL BATTLE! Goku LOSES?|Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 18 PREVIEW

NEW Super Saiyan 3 Goku VS KING GOMAH FINAL BATTLE! Goku LOSES?|Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 18 PREVIEW

We have BIG INFO & Reveals regarding the latest episode of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 17! As well as an Official PREVIEW of what’s to come for Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18! Including huge news. Lets go into the specifics of this Video, shall we? This fight takes into account Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 17 came out. Which showed off several new fights. Super Saiyan Goku(Mini) VS King Gomah. Super Saiyan Vegeta(Mini) VS Majin Duu & Kuu Tamagami 1 heading into the mix And them struggling. However, we get a FULL Preview of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18! Which shows off Super Saiyan 3 Goku(Mini) taking on King Gomah! With both fighters struggling against each other! Timestamps: SSJ Goku VS Majin Duu: 0:00 Z Fighters VS King Gomah: 2:03 Super Saiyan 3 Goku: 5:59 Daima EP18 Preview: 7:00 More Specifics: Goku does manage to fully Transform into a Super Saiyan 3 against King Gomah! Will that be enough? Guess we shall see! Let me go indepth on what happens in this Episode. Goku and the Z Fighters meet up with DR Arinsu, Majin duu and Majin Kuu -Supreme Kai tries negotiating with his sister. This doesn't work, so they set up a deal. One of the fighters will take on Majin Duu. Goku decides to be the one to fight him. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and takes on Majin Duu.The fight is relatively even/competitive. -Third Eye King Gomah interfers in the battle. Wants to use his new found power and strength to defeat everyone. Vegeta goes first, but gets handily defeated. Goku suggests that all of them attack King Gomah, which suggests/means that this guy is a power house. Tamagami 1, Duu, and Kuu also decide to help. -Despite all of their efforts, King Gomah is dominating and destroying them. None of their combined attacks or team work makes a dent in him. -King Gomah uses some form of telekinesis to attempt to put away Goku.At the end, Goku Transforms into a Super Saiyan 3! Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Mini) tanks the attack and will be having a very competitive fight against King Gomah in the next episode. Other: King Gomah VS Mini Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Majin Duu, & Majin Kuu Goku Transforms Into a Super Saiyan 3 Against King Gomah Dragon Ball Daima SSJ3 Goku VS King Gomah! Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 17 English Sub Glorio Betrays Goku & Vegeta and supreme kai Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 Preview & Trailer Dr Dragon Ball Daima EP 18 Preview & Release Date New Goku Form Gomah Transformation Dragon Ball DAIMA- Episode 17 - Gomah Dragon Ball DAIMA - Episode 18 - Awakening Super Saiyan 3 Goku(Mini) Official Reveal & Trailer! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC19 Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC2 - Super Saiyan 3 Mini Vegeta Goku, Vegeta & Piccolo VS King Gomah Dr Arinsu Majin Duu Majin Kuu SSJ2 Goku & SSJ2 Vegeta VS Majin Duu & Majin Kuu NEW Majin Duu & Kuu Official Fusion Super Buu Degesu Pansy Mini Goku VS 3rd Eye King Gomah Final Battle SSJ3 Mini Goku VS Third Eye King Gomah Final Battle & Finale! SSJ3 Mini Goku VS 3rd Eye King Gomah Final Battle & Finale Dragon Ball Legends DBXV2 DB Legends Dragon Ball Daima Episode 18 Full Preview & Trailer Reveals! Hashtag #dragonballdaima #supersaiyan3goku #supersaiyan3vegeta #kinggomah #gohan