Early Rune Farm (Get Overpowered Early) - Elden Ring - Beginner Help Guide
Welcome to this short little Elden ring video. Here I will show you how to get to and how to use the rune farm right from the start of the game. No risks and short time to set up. (The boulder method) This is obviously for beginner that are struggling with the game. This can be used to get enough runes (Xp) to level up enough to make starting bosses laughable. I know a lot of people know this tech to do this farm but not everyone does so this is for those people. Make Yourself OP early on. I do recommend playing the game as Intended on your first playthrough. Thanks for watching. Have fun out there in Elden ring young tarnished. My multiplayer code is Hex if you want to join. #eldenring #farmlocation #farm #farmsetup #runes #xpfarm #howtolevelupquickly #op #howtobeop #shadowoftheerdtree #eldenringdlc #eldenringclips #guide #beginnersguide #noob #farming #boulder #eldenringbuilds #eldenringbossfights #nightreign