Heart Guardian: Protecting Your Heart - Understanding Atherosclerosis ( Blockages)

Heart Guardian: Protecting Your Heart - Understanding Atherosclerosis ( Blockages)

Welcome to the "Heart Guardian" podcast, your guide to maintaining a healthy heart. I'm Dr. Aman Kapoor (  / dramankapoor  ) , your host, and together with the expertise from the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (https://www.muhs.ac.in/) and the Chair of Preventive Cardiology at the Madhavbaug Institute of Preventive Cardiology (https://mipconline.com/) , we're here to empower you with the latest insights into heart health. In this episode, we dive into a common health concern affecting millions worldwide – atherosclerosis. It's the accumulation of fatty deposits in your arteries, the highways of your blood circulation. These deposits can gradually narrow and block your arteries, leading to severe issues like heart attacks and strokes. But don't worry, we'll explore the causes, risk factors, and, most importantly, practical tips to prevent and manage atherosclerosis. Our guest for today is Dr. Jagdish Hiremat. He'll guide us through understanding atherosclerosis and how you can protect yourself from it. Atherosclerosis might sound complex, but it's the number one killer of human beings. You've likely heard of someone experiencing a heart attack or stroke; these are often results of atherosclerosis. This condition causes medium-sized arteries to slowly clog like rust in pipes. These artery blockages are mainly composed of bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and other fatty substances, fibrous strands, and blood clots. Over time, calcium deposits make the blockages harder. #Atherosclerosis starts early, sometimes in the 20s, as streaks inside arteries. Less than 50% blockage is called a plaque, while more than 75% is termed a block or lesion. Atherosclerosis can vary within the same person. When these plaques rupture or crack, blood clots can form, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and other complications. So, how can we protect ourselves? A primary focus is on lowering #LDL #cholesterol. Risk factors include age above 40, male gender, a family history of early cardiovascular disease, and genetic tendencies. Modifiable risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, tobacco use, mental stress, and obesity. Additional factors like high resting heart rate, pollution, and vitamin deficiencies can increase your risk. To illustrate, a 50-year-old man with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other risk factors is at high risk. Addressing modifiable risk factors can significantly reduce this risk. Treatment can alleviate blockages during a heart attack or stroke, but it can't dissolve the plaque itself. Prevention is crucial. Atherosclerosis can be managed and often prevented by controlling sugars, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and stress. Diet, yoga, exercise, and medications like statins and aspirin are effective prevention methods. As we move forward, the future of atherosclerosis involves perfecting treatment options, raising awareness, and early detection. Your actions can make a real difference in preventing this disease. Thank you, Dr. Jagdish Hiremat, for sharing your invaluable insights today. Your expertise has given us a better understanding of atherosclerosis and how to protect our hearts. Armed with this knowledge, it's time to take action. Prioritize your heart health and make positive changes in your life. Stay connected with us by subscribing to our podcast and following us on social media for more informative discussions and practical tips to support your healthy heart. Remember, together, we can create a future where our hearts beat stronger, and we live life to the fullest. Your heart matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Goodbye for today.