Do Grey ALIENS Believe In Jesus Christ?

Do Grey ALIENS Believe In Jesus Christ?

This is episode 2 of Season 2 of Beyond The Stars with Tim Tactics and JeffMara. In this Episode Tim talks about how a Jesus like figure is present in other alien worlds in the galaxy Season 1 Playlist    • Beyond The Stars With Tim & Jeff   Tim's YouTube Channel    / @timtactical   Tim's Website Tim's Instagram   / tim.tactics   Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @jeffmarapodcast   CONTACT: Email: [email protected] To donate crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qk30j4n8xuusfcchyut5nef4wj3c263j4nw5wyd Digibyte - DMsrBPRJqMaVG8CdKWZtSnqRzCU7t92khE Shiba - 0x0ffE1bdA5B6E3e6e5DA6490eaafB7a6E97DF7dEe Doge - D8ZgwmXgCBs9MX9DAxshzNDXPzkUmxEfAV Eth. - 0x0ffE1bdA5B6E3e6e5DA6490eaafB7a6E97DF7dEe XRP - rM6dp31r9HuCBDtjR4xB79U5KgnavCuwen WEBSITE SOCIALS: Instagram:   / jeffmarapodcast   Facebook:   / jeffmarapodcast   Twitter:   / jeffmarap   JeffMara does not endorse any of his guests' products or services. The opinions of the guests may or may not reflect the opinions of the host. WE DO NOT GIVE ANYONE INCLUDING OUR GUESTS, PERMISSION TO UPLOAD OUR VIDEOS TO THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL(S) OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM.