시금치 달걀말이 계란말이 Rolled Eggs Omelette with Spinach by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni Recipe

시금치 달걀말이 계란말이 Rolled Eggs Omelette with Spinach by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni Recipe

Homemade Cook Grandmother’s meal that is loved by her granddaughter The heart of a mother who prepares dishes for her son and daughter who are not good at cooking I give the heart of a grandmother who prepares home-cooked meals for her granddaughter and grandson This is a Korean food YouTube channel, a Korean mom cooking vlog 시금치 양파 당근 달걀말이, 맛있는 계란말이에요 야채를 듬뿍 넣어서 풍성한 달걀말이(계란말이)를 맛보세요 계란말이를 잘 만드는데 가장 중요한건 바로 차분함과 인내심이랍니다^^ 그리고 끝까지 포기 하지 않는 자세에요 그러면 누구나 예쁘게, 맛있게 만들수 있어요~ 찬찬히 맛있게, 간단히 뚝딱 만들어 보아요~ This is a Korean-style rolled egg omelet with Spinach, Onion, and carrot Taste the rich egg roll with plenty of vegetables! Calmness is the most important thing when making egg rolls ^^ And keep going, and don't give up until the end Then everyone can make it pretty and delicious Let’s make it very delicious and simple Rolled eggs with Spinach by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni Recipe 달걀 Eggs 6 시금치 Sinach 1 (a bunch) 양파 Onion 1/3 당근 Carrot 1/5 올리브유(식용유) Olive oil (Cooking Oil) 새우젓 Salted Shrimp (Saeu-jeot) 1/2 Tbsp 맛술 Cooking Sauce Ginger & Apricot (Mirim or Cooking wine) 0 8~1 Tbsp 소금 Salt less 1/2 (a pinch) 가족들 모두 즐길 수 있는 쉬운 요리 함께 만들어 보아요! Let’s make an easy dish together that the whole family can enjoy!