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ফেইসবুক থেকে টাকা ইনকামের সহজ পদ্ধতি।। How to Earn Money from Facebook 2023 #facebook #earn_money #monitization Facebook Payment Support for Media Monetizers / 2318408381781894 Thank you for contacting Facebook support for payment and reporting questions related to media monetization on Facebook. Please only submit inquiries regarding the payments and reports you or your company receives from Facebook. Please do not submit IP reports via this channel. If the account you're writing in from is not currently listed as a financial administrator for the payout account you're requesting support for, please contact us via the authorized account. If you'd like to be added as a financial account administrator, please ask a current administrator from your organization to do so. Check out the Payouts tab to view your payout status, update account records, and view your statements. Please ensure you are the payout account administrator to view the Payouts tab. Product :Video Content Payout Account ID: Payout Accounts Name: Page link:https: Page ID: Page name: Tax ID name: Tin Number : Islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited Swift code: Bank Account Name: Bank Account Number :