Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday Traditional Worship November 14th, 2021
Thank you for worshipping with us from near and far. Please read further details below. We invite you to join us for "Faith Together at Home"-- an eight week study of the Stories Jesus Tells! At our website, www.TLCbradenton.com, download a pdf related to the age and interest of the folks that gather at your home - or connect with another adult to do the adult study! To obtain the PDF Order for Worship for this service, please go to our website at https://TLCbradenton.com To gift our ministry at Trinity, a link for E-Giving is also available here at: https://giving.ncsservices.org/App/Gi... To view our worship on Facebook Live, use the following / tlcbradenton. . Or on Facebook use (@tlcbradenton for Live worship) Licenses & Permissions Credits: Red Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (C) 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Published by Augsburg Fortress, Publishers Text copyright 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved Used by permission, with OneLicense subscription (C)2020 Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. All rights reserved. Link: https://alcm.org/virtual-hymn/... Augsburg Fortress & Liturgies Annual License(C): SAS020267 CCLI(C) Copyright License: 11284854 CCLI(C) Streaming: 20646500 OneLicense Annual License with Podcast(C) Category D: A-729766