TechZone event: International Women’s Day Celebration 2023
Inspire, Ignite and Empower Host Adviser: Ms Tin Pei Ling, Adviser to MacPherson Grassroots Organisations. Speakers: 1. Keelia Xiaoyue Tang, Cloud Solution Architect, Huawei Cloud Singapore 2. Koh Yan Ping, CEO, Singapore Council of Women's Organisations (SCWO) 3. Seah Gek Choo, Audit & Assurance Partner, Deloitte Singapore and Talent Leader and SheXO Program Leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia We had an inspiring evening with Keelia, Yan Ping and Gek Choo last night to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023. Not forgetting TechZone founder Ming Yow who was our host for the night and Pei Ling Tin, Adviser to MacPherson Grassroots Organisations as our host adviser. We had heard so much and learnt even more from the powerful ladies about how they broke their personal glass ceiling to go beyond their comfort zone to achieve success; about equality vs equity and just how women should be celebrated regardless of who and where we are. Thank you to all speakers, sponsors, volunteers and audiences for making the event meaningful and worthwhile. Sponsors: MacPherson CCC, Huawei Singapore idigitalsky ~ SkyGems Academy (idigitalsky Group) About TechZone: TechZone is Macpherson Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCC) and RevUpZone joint collaboration platform supporting diversity and inclusion programs. https://www.revupzone.com/techzone/ Join us as a TechZone member today: bit.ly/TechZoneMember 2