AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C: Mech (Part 15: EVEN MORE Mixed Force Problems) | Office Hours with Al
In this stream we did one final set of practice problems with forces. Next time, we will be moving on to the topic of energy. See the course plan here: https://www.althetutor.com/physics1co... Video on the spring scale problem we discussed today: • The Physics Problem Students Keep Get... |Chapters| 0:00 Plans for the Day 3:28 The Penguin and Sled Problem from Last Time 27:13 Practice Problem 1: Pulling Out a Table Cloth Under a Mug 42:33 Practice Problem 2: Pulling Oneself Up with the Use of a Pulley 1:03:45 Practice Problem 3: What is the Reading on the Spring Scale? 1:24:40 Practice Problem 4: Prove the Given Formula for the Tension in this Rope 1:44:58 Practice Problem 5: A Monkey Climbing a Moving Rope 2:01:16 Practice Problem 6: Regrading a Slope for Safety 2:12:56 Homework and Final Comments