ये सर्दियों के पंच फल वरदान है किडनी के लिए || Winter Fruits for Kidney Patient || Diet for Kidney
अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी https://bit.ly/3lSlz6H कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 ये सर्दियों के पंच फल वरदान है किडनी के लिए || Winter Fruits for Kidney Patient || Diet for Kidney The winter season is about to come, and along with it is going to bring it a treasure of seasonal fruits.We get to see wide varieties of fruits that come in winter, as well as these fruits, are very beneficial to eat.But is it beneficial for kidney patients to eat fruits in this winter season? Which fruits can kidney patients eat? Hello, once again, welcome to our best kidney diet channel, stop kidney dialysis, where we give you much important information related to kidneys.Similarly, today we will tell you which fruits will benefit kidney patients to eat this winter season. So let's know. Eating fruits daily is considered a good option to improve your health.For this, it is important that you eat fruits according to the season.If we talk about kidney patients, then kidney patients are advised to consume some selected fruits.Because they are given such fruits which do not increase uric acid in their body nor increase the amount of creatinine in the blood.That's why only certain fruits are recommended for kidney patients. The first of which is red grapes- Red grapes are considered very good for kidney patients; consumption of red grapes is helpful in reducing your creatinine level, and also it helps in keeping the kidney clean from the inside. Apart from this, it is rich in vitamin-C, vitamin-C B6, folate, potassium, iron, and calcium, whose intake also keeps you away from many problems like constipation, fatigue, and abdominal pain. Let us know about another fruit which is pineapple- Pineapple contains vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, anti-oxidant, and phosphorus, which are helpful in keeping your kidney healthy.Also, this fruit has citric acid, which keeps away the problem of stones in the kidney, and apart from this, it also keeps your digestion right.But kidney patients should remember that before including this fruit in their diet, they should take the doctor's advice once. Next is Cranberry- If you consume cranberry, then it keeps your kidney healthy.Many nutrients are found in it, which work to keep the level of creatinine in your blood normal and eliminate the problem of urine infection from your body.That's why it is considered good for kidney patients. You can also eat an apple daily to keep the kidney healthy- Consuming apple helps reduce creatinine in your body and keeps your digestive system in good shape.And let us tell you that one of the reasons for kidney failure is the weakness of your digestive system. The next fruit is Blueberry- In this winter season, kidney patients must include blueberries in their diet.It keeps your blood circulation right by cleaning your blood and also helps in the work of your kidney. Kidney patients can consume it, but keep in mind blueberries should not be sour because sour fruits increase the damage to kidney function. So these are some special fruits that kidney patients can consume in this winter season. But kidney patients have to eat only 100 grams of fruits in a day. And that too after consulting a doctor. Hope you have liked the information given by us. If you are troubled by kidney problems, you can contact Karma Ayurveda. In Karma Ayurveda Treatment Center, you get solutions for all types of problems related to kidneys, and this treatment is completely natural and has no side effects. In Karma Ayurveda Treatment Center, along with successful treatment, you are also given information about a better diet that benefits your health. In Karma Ayurveda, you avoid problems like dialysis and kidney transplants and get natural treatment. If you like our video, do not forget to like and share, as well as you can also give us your thoughts and suggestions through comments. If you are troubled by kidney problems, you can contact us through WhatsApp. Our number is on the screen. Now I will say goodbye to you, and I will meet again with a new topic. Goodbye until then. #health #healthy #winter #fruits