Is your body is low on Sodium? Hyponatremia - Symptom & Treatment-Dr.Surekha Tiwari |Doctors' Circle

Is your body is low on Sodium? Hyponatremia - Symptom & Treatment-Dr.Surekha Tiwari |Doctors' Circle

Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Appointment booking no: 088843 68700 Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor|Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout,Bangalore Sodium is present in the body to balance the water retention in the body in a normal individual he should be having something like 135 to 145 mEq/L and whenever the sodium levels are normal, their levels of water retention in their body is normal. As they say that something is good, something is also bad for the body. People who drink say 6 to 7 liters of water per day , they think it is very good, they can dilute their sodium levels. also we find that in people who are very old and in hospitalization, in that case also you will see Hyponatremia, a condition of low sodium count, we see that these people will have disorientation. There will be personality traits that the person is not behaving normally or not talking very good. In only very severe cases of Hyponatremia we see seizure also. So we should be able to balance the amount of water and salt because common salt is Sodium Chloride, NaCl. So the one source of salt in your body is salt. Balance your salt intake and measure your ware. If you can do this then it should not be problem. #LowSodium #Hyponatremia #SodiumChloride #NaCl. #WaterRetention #PersonalityDisorder #Seizure