Common English Errors #51 You Must Avoid | Hindi to English Translation Practice | @HforHindi121
🚫 Avoid These Common English Mistakes! Today’s video on @HforHindi121 brings you a new set of real-life Hindi-to-English translation errors that many learners make unknowingly. If you're serious about speaking correct English, this video is a must-watch! These sentences seem simple, but small errors can ruin fluency and accuracy. Learn how to identify them and what makes them grammatically incorrect. 📝 Sentences Covered in This Video: ✔ यदि वह इसे समय पर नहीं कर पाती, तो यह उसकी गलती होगी। ✔ वह लगातार यह सोचता है कि लोग उसके बारे में क्या कहेंगे। ✔ उसने मुझसे कहा कि वह वहाँ नहीं जा सकती। ✔ ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वह उससे सहमत है। ✔ मुझे नहीं पता था कि वह इतनी दूर रहती है। ✔ उसने मुझसे पूछा कि मैंने क्या किया। ✔ क्या तुमने उसे अपना निर्णय बताया? ✔ वे एक ही समय पर ऑफिस नहीं पहुँचे। 👉 These sentences reflect typical grammar, word order, and verb tense errors that even intermediate and advanced learners often make. In the video, you'll learn exactly what's wrong with these translations and how to fix them — in a simple, clear way, with examples. 💬 Why You Should Watch This Video: ✅ Spot your grammar mistakes before others do ✅ Learn naturally with Hindi-English examples ✅ Improve your writing & speaking skills ✅ Become confident with correct sentence structures 🎯 Whether you’re preparing for a job interview, speaking fluently, or writing professionally — correct grammar matters! 🔔 Subscribe to HforHindi121 for daily practice, tips, and contest updates. ✔ Join the best community of Hindi speakers learning fluent English the smart way. ✅ 📢 Keywords: Common English errors, Hindi to English mistakes, English translation errors, sentence correction English, typical English grammar mistakes, spoken English correction, English for Hindi speakers, English learning for Indians, English grammar practice, improve English fluency, Hindi to English speaking, English sentence structure errors, English fluency correction, grammar mistakes in translation, how to avoid English errors, Indian English speaking mistakes, English tips daily, correct English speaking, improve English writing, spoken English errors, HforHindi121 grammar, sentence translation issues, learn English fast India, English accuracy practice, English lessons for Hindi speakers, daily English mistakes, common grammar mistakes Hindi English, translation practice Hindi to English, verb tense correction, grammar correction video, how to speak correct English, sentence making practice, English expression correction, real life grammar issues, English training video, spoken English improvement, grammar for Indians, learn fluent English, error spotting practice ✅ 📢 Hashtags: #HforHindi121 #CommonEnglishErrors #GrammarMistakes #EnglishForHindiSpeakers #HindiToEnglish #EnglishCorrection #SentenceTranslation #SpokenEnglishTips #FluentEnglish #ImproveEnglish #DailyEnglishPractice #GrammarVideo #EnglishMistakes #SentenceStructure #EnglishSpeaking #SpeakCorrectEnglish #IndianEnglishMistakes #TranslationErrors #EnglishLearningTips #AvoidMistakes #EnglishGrammarPractice #ErrorSpotting #EnglishLessons #LearnEnglishFast #CorrectYourEnglish #SpokenEnglishCourse #EnglishFluency #EverydayEnglish #AdvancedGrammar #GrammarForIndians #GrammarWithExamples #EnglishTenseMistakes #TranslationPractice #HindiEnglishErrors #FluencyBooster #EnglishHelpVideo #SpeakEnglishNaturally #SentenceCorrection #GrammarCheck #EnglishAccuracy