కిడ్నీ రోగులకు ఉత్తమ శీతాకాలపు ఆహారం | Kidney Patient Winter Diet Plan | Dr Puru Dhawan | SRIAAS
కిడ్నీ రోగులకు ఉత్తమ శీతాకాలపు ఆహారం | Kidney Patient Winter Diet Plan | Dr Puru Dhawan | SRIAAS The passage highlights the importance of regulating food intake to maintain healthy kidney function and avoid complications associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It specifically advises individuals with CKD to limit their consumption of green leafy vegetables and jaggery, which are high in protein and potassium. Cooking these vegetables in curry form can increase their potassium concentration, so it is suggested to combine them with other foods like carrots. In addition, the passage suggests avoiding drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate, which can increase blood pressure and sugar levels. Instead, vegetable soups without added corn flour and mint tea are recommended. The passage also invites individuals with questions about their diet plans to contact Ayurvedic specialists for a free consultation. . . . . #kidney #kidneytreatment #winterdietplan