St Wystan's Church Benefice Communion 29th November 2020

St Wystan's Church Benefice Communion 29th November 2020

St Wystan's Benefice Communion Sunday 29th November (Advent Sunday) Note: The video starts at the Gospel reading. Isaiah 64: 1 - 9 A plea to God to tear open the heavens and come down. The writer bemoans God’s disappearance from mankind because the people have sinned, and longs for proof of God’s might. 1 Corinthians 1: 3 – 9 Paul writes that he is glad that the grace of God has been given to the Corinthians in Christ Jesus. He assures them that Jesus will strengthen them as they await him, and reminds them of God’s faithfulness. Mark 13: 24 - 37 Firstly a vision of the coming of the son of Man; next, the lesson of the fig tree whose leaves and tender shoots are a sign of summer approaching; and thirdly, the parable of the doorkeeper awaiting his master’s return. The message is: keep alert!