Home Remedies to Control Dandruff | Major reasons for Dandruff பொடுகு நீங்க எளிமையான வழி|Dandruff
HELLO GUYS Dandruff Treatment at Home - Home Remedies - Tamil Health Tips Dandruff is the problem which affects people at any age. If we doesn't care about it leads to hair loss. It may result in baldness or cause some skin infections. There are many reasons for dandruff like dry skin, improper diet, stress, poor maintenance of hair. You may have used costly shampoos to cure this dandruff but didn't succeed. In this video we are going to see the natural remedies to cure dandruff. Disclaimer – Home remedies will not suits for all skin tone & skin type, use this once if it suits for you then continue. This video is for informational purposes only. Please make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used in this video. Viewers are subjected to use this information on their own risk. This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this. OIL VIDEO LINK: • Homemade herbal hair oil for faster h... HOPE YOU ALL WATCH THIS VIDEO #TamilHealthTips#RemoveDandruff #ThickHair #StopHairFall #dandruffremedy #Dandruff #HairPack #GetSilkyHair #StopHairLoss #GrowThickHair #GetShinyhair #GetGlossyHair #LongHair #FastHairGrowth #HealthyHair #HairGrowthMadeEasy #dryhairremedy #homeremedy #DIY #HairSpray #Foodsforhair #HairSerum #Hairtonic #HairgrowthDrink #Hairoil #howtogrowlonghair #longhair #straighthair #dandruffremedy #getridofdandruff #dryscalpremedy #thickhair #howtogetthickhair #longhair #homeremedy #diyhairmask #hairpack LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE:)