NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH 2025 | Day 7 Joseph—the Family Man

NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH 2025 | Day 7 Joseph—the Family Man

Joseph was a descendant of the Royal Family of David. Yet he lived in relative obscurity and was a ‘nobody’ in the world’s eyes. He faced challenging family problems: Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, which meant he would not be the biological father of his son; the long, dangerous trek to Bethlehem to be registered for taxation purposes; the threat to the life of the child, forcing him to flee as a refugee to a foreign land; making ends meet from work which was often only seasonal; returning to Jerusalem after a day’s journey, without the safety of a convoy, to search for his missing child. What was he to have made of the forewarning that the boy Jesus was marked out for glory and suffering (see Luke 2:34-35)? Let us ask St. Joseph to protect our families as he did his own. May he help all couples to live out the love which they promised each other. As Patron of families, may he guide us through the many challenges that threaten to break the bonds of family unity, and help us discover God’s closeness in and through the sorrows and joys of family life. St. Joseph, protect our families and help us experience God’s closeness throughout the many challenges of marriage and family life.