Top 10 KIDNEY KILLER Foods That Are (Sold as HEALTHY) - and How to Spot Them

Top 10 KIDNEY KILLER Foods That Are (Sold as HEALTHY) - and How to Spot Them

Today I present you the most up to date guide to the food that can DAMAGE your KIDNEYS. There are many things that can damage your kidneys, you know… stress, drugs, bad habits, just to name a few but they're NOTHING when compared to the TOP 10 UNHEALTHIEST FOODS of today's video. The foods I'm going to show you today are LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE every single day. They damage your kidneys, harden your arteries, they make your bones brittle. And I've ranked them from tenth to first, so you will know EXACTLY what to avoid. And these are common foods, things people eat every day and that are dangerous for everyone, not just for kidney patients Now the worst part: many of you will see on my chart some foods that you actually eat regularly. If this happens, remember that it's not your fault. Because, you know, food brands are spending millions every day to make you think that the poison they're selling you is healthy, yummy and even cool. And this is true for many of the unhealthiest foods, believe me. So, don't get fooled and watch today's video to learn how to tell if a food is good or bad for your kidneys and your overall health If you are new here on 00kidney, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health! Don't forget to: ⚫️ Subscribe to #00kidney ⚫️ How Stage 5 CKD Patient Reversed Kidney Disease Yes, today we're looking at the bigger picture. This is why I think this video is going to be interesting. As you can see, there are different colors in my chart. #kidney The foods on the upper part are "to be limited" or eaten in a moderated way. Those in the middle are "best if avoided" And those in the tops 3 are real kidney killers you should never eat. Especially the number 1 #kidneyrepair #kidneydisease Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel. RSS subscribe: Facebook support group:   / 352469048524134   00Kidney on Facebook:   / kidney1   Katherine on Instagram Michael on Twitter:   / mikewright055   00Kidney blog Subscribe to our mailing list and get a free ebook! How Michael got out of dialysis    • How I got off kidney dialysis and cur...   Did you like this video? Want to see more coming? Help 00kidney by sharing, liking and subscribing – thank you!