Easy Mango Ice-Cream ( Only With 3 Ingredient )| Mango Ice-Cream | Mango Ice-Cream Banane Ka Tarika
Easy Mango Ice-Cream ( Only With 3 Ingredients )| Mango Ice-Cream | Mango Ice-Cream Banane KaTarika | Mango Ice-Cream Step By Step By Naz Kitchen Secrets #nazkitchensecrets @nazkitchensecrets Today I brought for you mango ice cream recipe.It turns out so yummy.It’s a very simple and easy recipe.It’s a fail proof recipe. You’ll enjoy making and eating it ! Like and share it also subscribe my channel. Allah Hafiz ! It’s ingredients are below : Ingredients: Mango ( Aam ): 1 cup Whip Cream : 1 cup Condensed milk : 3/4 cup approximately Ingredients for condensed milk : Milk ( Doodh ) : 2 cups Sugar ( Cheeni ) : 1/2 cup #mangoicecreamrecipe #icecreamrecipeinurdu #easymangoicecream #icecreamrecipe #foodfusion #icecreamrecipeonlywith3ingredients #babafoodrrc #creamyicecream #mangoicecreambnanekatarika #yummy #kunfoods #villagehandiroti #samiullahfoodsecrets #mangoicecreamstepbystep #mangoicecreamathome #handstouch #hafsaskitchen #homemademangoicecream #ijazansarifoodsecrets #softandcreamyicecream #rubykakitchen #softandcreamymangoicecream #icecreamrecipeathome #nazkitchensecrets @nazkitchensecrets