2호 리스형 앙금플라워떡케익(떡찌기/꽃짜기/어렌인지/포장)No.2 Making a wreath-type sediment flower rice cake

2호 리스형 앙금플라워떡케익(떡찌기/꽃짜기/어렌인지/포장)No.2 Making a wreath-type sediment flower rice cake

2호 사이즈 리스형 앙금플라워떡케이크 만들기입니다 새벽 작업후 픽업되는 실주문 작업 영상이예용 오전 픽업주문이라 새벽 6시에 나가 만들었어요 작업전 커피한잔은 필수죵 새벽작업은!!! 네스프레소 라떼한잔 내리고 작업시작!!! 떡만들기 포인트팁은 영상안에 자막으로 넣어놓았습니다^^ It's size 2 making a wreath-type angum flower rice cake It's a video of a real-order operation that is picked up after work at dawn It was a morning pickup order, so I went out at 6 a m to make it A cup of coffee is a must before work Early morning work! Drop a cup of Nespresso latte and start working! The key tip for making rice cake is included in the video as a caption ^^ ------------------------------------------------- 2호 백설기 멥쌀가루 650g 물 400g 소금 8g 물은 쌀가루 상태에 따라 달라질수 있으므로 조금씩 나눠가면 넣어주세요 No 2 Baekseolgi 650g of glutinous rice flour 400g of water 8g of salt Water can vary depending on the condition of the rice flour If you divide it little by little, put it in