5 BIG Changes to US Immigration in 2020 You Need to Know
#USImmigration #ImmigrationReform #ImmigrationLawyer #andresmejerlaw #bigchangestoImmigrationin2020 #immigrationchangesin2020 #dacarenewal #5bigchangestousimmigrationin2020youneedtoknow In this week's live video, immigration attorney, Andres Mejer, discusses the 5 big changes to immigration policy in the United States that everyone should know about. We all know it is getting harder and harder for those who want to immigrate to the United States. Approvals for petitions are taking longer. Fees are increasing. Good moral character and public charge are being weighed more heavily. Some things are being said they will change and the immigration legal community is still trying to figure out what the change will be. In this video, Andres talks about all of this and more. 00:00 #1 Fee Increases - costs are skyrocketing for many immigration applications. 00:33 Andres discusses what you can expect and why this is happening. 2:01 Andres also shares what is happening more and more with fee waivers 2:36 #2 Citizenship Test Changes - Andres explains how the test will get harder and that approvals will go down 4:26 Increased Citizenship Petition Denials - Andres talks about the things that USCIS seems to be using to make denials for citizenship increase. He shares how USCIS is making the qualifications much more strict. He also explains what the "look back period" is and how it is applied based on how you obtained your green card. Because of these changes, if you were EVER arrested, it is imperative that you speak to a qualified immigration attorney BEFORE submitting your citizenship application. 14:09 #3 Electronic Filing - You can file more forms electronically. Andres explains why this isn't something to get excited about yet. 16:53 #4 Public Charge - This has been in immigration policy for over a century. The big change is that this is now defined in the law. Andres talks about what it is and how it applies to you when applying for an immigration benefit. 19:33 #5 Asylum Obstacles - this one is HUGE. Andres explains what is being done to almost make it impossible for asylum seekers to be in the US and work. 21:59 The US wants to be able to deny asylum not just for a conviction of a crime but a mere suspicion of having committed a crime. If you have a conviction for any offense with a POSSIBLE jail sentence of more than one year, you could be denied asylum. These are really big changes. If you or a loved one is applying for any immigration benefits in 2020 we STRONGLY suggest you watch (and share) this video. If you need an attorney for your immigration case, we are here to help. We offer NO COST consultations for those who qualify and have payment plans. Call our office and speak to our staff today to see how we can help you with your immigration journey. Links to other similar videos: • Public Charge Changes US Immigration • What Programs and Which People Will b... • USCIS Fees Are Going Up • Applying for Asylum as a B1/B2 Visa H... • New US Asylum Policy ❗ Call us NOW for a FREE consultation ❗ 888-421-9942 ❗ SUBSCRIBE TO ANDRÉS MEJER YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ❗ / andresmejerlaw 🤝 CONNECT WITH US ⚖ Ask your questions in the comment section or contact us through our social media: F A C E B O O K ✅ / andresmejerlaw Y O U T U B E ✅ / andresmejerlaw CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE NUMBER: 888-421-9942 The information provided is broad and may not apply to your circumstances. No attorney/client relationship is formed by you watching these videos. #andresmejerlaw #bigimmigrationchangesin2020 #changestoimmigrationpolicyintheUnitedStatesthateveryoneshouldknow #immigrationattorney #njattorney #abogadodeinmigracion #abogadodeinmigración #law,abogado #abogados #inmigracion #inmigración #deportacion #deportación #deferedaction #acciondiferida #accióndiferida #deportados #inmigrante #inmigrationgroup