Mutation Monday Week 97 Fowl Play [All Commanders]

Mutation Monday Week 97 Fowl Play [All Commanders]

0:00:00 Alarak 0:17:42 Vorazun 0:35:32 Artanis 0:53:17 Karax 1:10:55 Zagara 1:28:56 H&H 1:47:19 Dehaka 2:05:23 Stukov 2:23:33 Swann 2:41:16 Nova 2:59:02 Fenix 3:16:41 Abathur 3:34:01 Raynor 3:51:35 Kerrigan Turkey Shoot: Supply can only be generated by killing turkeys that wander through the map. Doing so may anger the turkeys that remain. Sharing is Caring: Supply is shared between you and your partner, and units from both of your armies contribute to your shared supply cap. As always a full explanation will be at the end of the video. Any questions please post them below. Thanks for watching the stream catch me live at   / hunterafi   hope you enjoy the video. And join the Discord to to talk about the coolest memes and SC2   / discord   Follow me on Twitter:   / hunter_afi   Follow me on Facebook:   / huntersc2-114698652477007   Check out all my play lists: Mutations:    • Mutation Guides   Co-Op Limitations:    • Co-Op Limitations   Guides:    • Guides   Custom Mutations:    • Custom Mutations   Here are the Replays for the Mutations: