[SUB] 개미귀신에 관한 놀라운 사실 5가지 / Five amazing facts about ant-lions
개미귀신을 아시나요? 깔때기 모양의 함정을 만들어 작은 곤충을 잡아먹는 독특한 습성 덕분에 유명한 곤충이죠 하지만 그 것 외에도 흥미로운 점이 많은 녀석입니다 지금부터 하나씩 살펴보시죠 Do you know ant-lions? It's famous for its unique habit of making funnel-shaped traps and eating small insects But other than that, it's an insect with a lot of interest Let's take a look at it one by one *BGM Song: LAKEY INSPIRED - Warm Nights (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music Video Link: