Transfer of Shares, Transmission of Shares, Difference | Company Law | Unit 3 Part 8 | BBA/ |

Transfer of Shares, Transmission of Shares, Difference | Company Law | Unit 3 Part 8 | BBA/ |

In this video you will get to know what actually Transfer of Shares is... In a more easily understandable language. This video consists of following :- ❇️ Transfer ❇️ Transmission ❇️ Difference . . . . . . . Company law syllabus video companies act, companies act 2013 ca foundation, companies act 2013, companies act 2013 cma inter, companies act ca foundation, companies act revision, companies act 2013 revision, companies act bba, companies act chapter 1, companies act definition, company act 2013 definition, companies act 2013 explained, ✔️✅⭕Subscribe to my channel :- / @egyaanpathshaala257 ✔️⭕Instagram :-   / du_egyan   ✔️✅⭕Companies law playlists:-    • Company Law   #company #companies #act #companiesact2013 #companiesact #educationalvideos #education #educational #youtubetaughtme #bba #mba #bom #mcom #ca #cma