Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade Live Stream 國泰新春國際匯演之夜演出直播
Join us to celebrate the Year of the Snake! The Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade returns to Tsim Sha Tsui, filling the streets with vibrant colors and festive spirit. This year’s parade features dazzling floats that showcase Hong Kong's rich cultural heritage, along with an exciting lineup of local and international performances. As the parade winds through the city, it spreads luck and joy, inviting everyone to join the festivities. Let’s welcome a year of prosperity and success! 全港最大型賀年盛事「國泰新春國際匯演之夜」於農曆大年初一晚上在尖沙咀隆重登場,為全城揭開賀年活動序幕。 在中國傳統文化,蛇年象徵智慧、靈活及新氣象。花車巡遊將熱鬧氣氛及祝福傳遍香港。除了充滿動感的主題花車,沿途更有令人目不暇給的本地及國際表演隊伍傾力演出,為觀眾帶來別開生面的視覺盛宴。農曆新年齊來香港,參與巡遊派對,一同迎接繁榮豐盛的蛇年。