Luke 2:22-40: The Presentation of the Lord, Sunday Gospel Reflection, Fr. Tim Peters

Luke 2:22-40: The Presentation of the Lord, Sunday Gospel Reflection, Fr. Tim Peters

#sundaygospel #readingsformass #catholicbiblestudy #Luke2 #gospelofluke #biblestudy #yearc Sunday Readings for Mass, the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time, Year C SUBSCRIBE and turn on your notifications for more videos. See the playlist for our library of biblical studies:    • Catholic Bible Study, Ezekiel: The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Exodus: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 2 Kings, The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 1 Kings, The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 2 Samuel, The B...      • Catholic Bible Study, Sirach: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Judges: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Matthew: The Go...      • Catholic Bible Study: Revelation, The...      • Catholic Bible Study, Jeremiah: The B...      • Catholic Bible Study, John, The Gospe...      • Catholic Bible Study, Acts: The Acts ...      • Understanding the Catholic Faith and ...      • Catholic Bible Study Luke: The Gospel...      • Catholic Bible Study Isaiah, the Book...      • Catholic Bible Study, Jeremiah: The B...