![Moldy Gameplay: Resident Evil 2 Remake: Hunk Leon B (2nd Run w/ prologue) [Mod]](https://krtube.net/image/IOldlRlZDvM.webp)
Moldy Gameplay: Resident Evil 2 Remake: Hunk Leon B (2nd Run w/ prologue) [Mod]
Hunk, AKA The Grim Reaper steps into Leon's shoes for this RE2R "themed" run, with his 4th survivor load out, courtesy of the mods detailed below. Note that I am presuming Hunk was fully advised and briefed on the RPD and all of its... eccentricity. My rules: -Start with 4th survivor inventory and load out. -Cannot pickup any further weapons or upgrades -Can pickup Sub-weapons (knifes, grenades, etc.) -Cannot use item box -using mods, may swap useless items/ammo for useful ones (I mostly did yellow or white gunpowder) -Since Hunk was fully advised and briefed, you know (may look up) all codes, combinations, etc. in advance NOTE: I hate the 2nd run's pre-rendered opening, so I played and edited in the 1st run Prologue. Mod List: 1) RESIDENT EVIL 2 +19 +1 FearLess Cheat Table by Cielos - https://fearlessrevolution.com/thread... (used for altering weapon/item spawns) 2) Resident Evil 2 Remake Model Swap / Item / Camera +13 Trainer v3.1.2 by wilsonso - Resident Evil Modding Boards (used for swapping useless items/ammo) 3) Ultimate Trainer for Resident Evil 2 Remake by Raz0r - https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... (Alternate inventory editor) 4) Hunk (For Leon Arklay Sheriff / For Claire Military) by Zealot Tormunds - Resident Evil Modding Boards 5) 2nd Run Handgun Ammo [Update 1.0: 26/03/19] by MaVeRicK - Resident Evil Modding Boards Sorry, but YouTube does not allow links to Resident Evil Modding Boards; Please search using the provided names. Run/Mod Notes: (Minor SPOILER Warning) I tried to make Claire be hunk too, but only works during prologue; she is in military outfit for the rest of the game. Hunk converts back to Leon for 1st Annette encounter, not sure why. Leon's penultimate boss can only be killed by a rocket launcher, so I have to use it even though it does not fit my theme :( General Disclaimer: MoldyCrowProductions does not own, nor is affiliated with any of the owners of the IPs of the games we play. We do, however, own MoldyCrowProductions, and our commentaries. The opinions of the hosts are solely their own, and do not necessarily reflect anyone else's. So feel free to disagree.