उम्मीद बाकी है | Motilal Oswal Small Cap Fund | Motilal Oswal Small Cap Fund Direct Growth
उम्मीद बाकी है | Motilal Oswal Small Cap Fund | Motilal Oswal Small Cap Fund Direct Growth 💫 Our services ✨ ✅ Portfolio Creation : Rs. 999/- ✅ Portfolio Review : Rs. 999/- upto 7 schemes ✅ Stock Portfolio : Rs. 999/- ✅ Mutual Fund Schemes checking course : Rs. 1999/- (अपने आप schemes चेक करे) ✅ Portfolio Management Yearly : Send msg for ask. Step to Apply :- 1. Send "Hi" to Whats No. 8506038996 [ Payment screenshot और नीचे लिखी Details के बिना Msg न करे ] 2. Pay Rs. 999/- to UPI ID : activetarun@ybl and send screenshot on whats app. 3. Send below mentioned details whats app or Gmail id : [email protected] A. Full name and Age B. Monthly Sip C. Years D. Target amount. Note:- Delivery time of portfolio is approx 2 days. Join Membership / @theactivetarun Instagram- / tarung0la Facebook- / theactivetaru Join my Other channels 1. @dcreatortarun 2. @desitravellingcouple Searching Keywords:- motilal oswal small cap fund, motilal oswal small cap fund review, motilal oswal small cap fund direct growth, motilal oswal small cap fund regular plan, motilal oswal small cap fund sip, motilal oswal small cap fund lumpsum, motilal oswal small cap fund direct growth review, the active tarun Query:- Content Suggesting:- Tags:- #theactivetarun #mutualfunds #sipinvestment #lumpsum #mutualfundsinhindi Contact for Business Inquiry:- 1. Sponsorship 2. Brand Collaboration 3. Business Consultancy Services 3. Financial Planning Email ID : [email protected] Other YT Channel Links 1. The Creator Tarun : / @dcreatortarun 2. Desi Travelling Couple : / @desitravellingcouple 3. The Active Tarun : / @theactivetarun Social Media Links Facebook- / activetarun Instagram- / tarung0la Tarun Gola From - Delhi ⚡Disclaimer⚡ All Video of 'The Active Tarun' are for education and information purpose only. The videos should not be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation.The user must perform a self-assestment before investing. This is our personal view and mutual funds and equity investments are subject to market risk. Please read all offer documents before investing.💡WE ARE NOT SEBI REGISTERED ADVISOR💡