Pituitary Gland Sound Bath  for *METABOLISM* and Stress Reduction | Energy Cleansing Singing Bowls

Pituitary Gland Sound Bath for *METABOLISM* and Stress Reduction | Energy Cleansing Singing Bowls

The pituitary gland resides at the base of the brain 🧠 behind the bridge of the nose. Often called the master gland, it plays a crucial role in orchestrating the body's hormonal balance. . It produces more than half a dozen hormones such as growth hormone and oxytocin. It uses these to regulate many pivotal functions: Growth and development, metabolism, stress response, water balance and kidney function, reproductive health and sexual function, childbirth and lactation, and skin pigmentation. . Two key factors in maintaining or restoring proper pituitary gland function are sleep 💤 and stress reduction. This sound bath was crafted with instruments known to relieve stress and aid in sleep 😴 . They are also said to be attuned to the pituitary gland’s energetic connection this is the crown chakra singing bowl (far right) notice the gentle hum of the crown chakra tuning fork which I've added for increased effect 🎵 I’ve also included complementary chakra bowls, to allow positive energy to flow beyond the crown, throughout the body 🪬 . Allow these crown chakra frequencies to envelop and cleanse your pituitary gland. I hope it brings you reduced stress, better sleep, and improved physical health. . You should feel the full effect within 30 minutes. You are welcome to listen for as long and return as often as you would like. . Be well, Vibe Tribe 💛 *Disclaimer*============================================= Healing Vibrations products and experiences are in no way a replacement for traditional medicine. We seek to facilitate mental and physical healing through techniques that are designed to calm and relax the body and create a state of mindfulness and reflection. Through relaxation and mindfulness, the human body’s natural healing processes are strengthened and accelerated. #singingbowl #chakrahealing #relaxingvideos #soundhealing #soundtherapy #pituitarygland #endocrinesystem #oxytocin #stressreliever #metabolism