LSM Musical Advent Calendar, Day 7

LSM Musical Advent Calendar, Day 7

John of Damascus, Theologian and Hymnwriter John of Damascus lived in the seventh and eighth centuries, a time of disagreement about the use of artistic images in worship. John advocated for many art forms, writing that “everywhere we use our senses to produce an image of the Incarnate God” and using descriptive images and metaphors in his own hymns (LSB 478, 487; ELW 361, 363; ACS 936). Generations of hymn writers have followed suit, and the hymns of Charles Wesley have been likewise noted for their scriptural and poetic richness. A setting of the tune for Wesley’s hymn “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending” (LSB 336; ELW 435) is played by organist Fernanda Van Atta of Livermore, California. Join us daily for these moments of music and reflection between now and December 24.