Fourth Sunday after Easter  - 10:30 AM Holy Communion Service - April 28, 2024

Fourth Sunday after Easter - 10:30 AM Holy Communion Service - April 28, 2024

If you're watching live today- *PLEASE* drop us a line and let us know how the video and audio quality was!! If the stream is interrupted and doesn't start back up again, or if the stream doesn't start at all to begin with - please check back here later in the day for a link to the recording of today's service! Today's Hymns (hymn numbers from the 1940 Hymnal): Processional Hymn: Praise my soul, the king of heaven- 282 Sermon Hymn: Before thy throne, O God, we kneel- 499 Recessional Hymn: Love divine, all loves excelling- 479(1) #ccanglicansp