396 Hz pure tone 15 minutes Meditation / Experience joy, remove guilt/fear gives power to your goals

396 Hz pure tone 15 minutes Meditation / Experience joy, remove guilt/fear gives power to your goals

A superb 15-minute meditation/relaxation with just the Solfeggio 396 Hz tone, adjust your volume to your desired level and enjoy this tone. 396 Hz is a low frequency, it is is associated with the tone ‘Ut’ this frequency is important to us as is has the ability to ease and remove the feelings of guilt and fear we have accumulated throughout our life. These negative emotions can often hold us back from our goals and desires, clearing them away from mind enables us to make new progress in both the material and spiritual world. With 396 Hz, we spend less time plagued with worry, concern and grief, so we can spend more time experiencing the joys and endless possibilities we have been given in life 396 Hz is linked to the Root Chakra Let us know what you would like in the way of meditation/relaxation content? Please consider Subscribing to help the channel and keep up to date with our new releases This tone is a 15-minute version let us know if you would like the choice of longer versions with this series. Welcome to Tibetan Bowl for the best choice’s in Meditation/Relaxation music videos, each video is offered in various time frames and viewing/listening options. So, if your relaxation time is 15 minutes or an 8-hour sleep pattern with a black screen we have something for you. Our meditation/relaxation music videos are designed to provide a calming peaceful positive experience to give you the best relaxation time possible, carefully blended music with calming tones, sounds of nature and different instruments all come together in harmony, we have a variety of choices and many have the Solfeggio frequencies carefully blended in for the optimal results. We also have pure tone solfeggio tones for you to work on the areas of your life where these tones can help in bringing you back into alignment, if you are unsure which tone is for you then below is a list of the Solfeggio frequency tones and the area that they are to be used Solfeggio frequencies 396 Hz, UT, liberating, guilt, fear, turn grief to joy, 417 Hz, RE, undoing, situations, facilitating change, 528 Hz, MI, transformation, miracles, DNA repair, love, 639 Hz, FA, connecting, relationships, balancing, 741 Hz SOL, awakening, intuition, expressions, solutions 852 Hz, LA, returning, spiritual order, 963 Hz, SI, oneness, reconnection, perfect state, awaken, At the start of our music we add on our Tibetan bowl sounds to count you into your meditation these are also repeated at the end to bring you softly back out of your meditation experience, along with this we have added to some our breathing timing instructions this is timed to bring your breathing into time with your core source energy, this will enhance and deepen your experience, if this is something of interest please do not hesitate to let us know as we are working on other projects to enhance this further. Our music videos promote an inner peace which can give you a soothing relaxation, ideal for your needs be it studying, deep relaxation, stress relief, insomnia, concentration, healing, yoga, removing negative energy, chakra balancing, solfeggio tones, cleansing, bringing in abundance. Tibetan Bowls soothing tones bring about a superb state of relaxation/meditation and well-being, ideal as a background for healing treatments, spas, or just to help you through your day. We are constantly working on our Tibetan Bowl range of music videos and we have many more to be added covering many specific areas and needs, to keep up to date please subscribe and tap the notification bell to keep you up to date. Keep up to date on all releases and our other upcoming music/products to be added Coming soon links to our website and products. Thank you for listening and Remember “energy is all there is” it’s time for you to get in tune with it, this can be life-changing.