Princess Mononoke Forest (Studio Ghibli ASMR Ambience)

Princess Mononoke Forest (Studio Ghibli ASMR Ambience)

The tree spirit forest is tranquil and undisturbed by the ruckus and unrest of humanity. Waves gently lap against the shore, and woodland creatures chirp, sing, and ribbit from all directions. Kadome are signs of a healthy forest, and they are particularly bountiful here. They cast a luminescent glow upon the forest that make it feel all the more dreamlike and ethereal. Few visitors venture into this spiritual realm, but the ones that do are welcome to sit, rest, and allow the healing energy of the forest to work its magic. Additional Tags: Princess Mononoke Forest (Studio Ghibli ASMR Ambience) #PrincessMononoke #PrincessMononokeMovie #ASMRAmbience #GhibliAmbience #ForestAmbience